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Gleason是什么意思、发音和在线翻译 - 英语单词大全 - 911查询
来自 : danci.911cha.com/Gleason.html 发布时间:2021-03-24
Gleason是什么意思 Gleason在线翻译 Gleason什么意思 Gleason的意思 Gleason的翻译 Gleason的解释 Gleason的发音 Gleason的同义词 Gleason的反义词 GleasonGleason 基本解释

格利森 Gleesan的变体;格利森;


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1. Gleason的翻译

1. This paper briefly analysis some questions about constructional type of main drive gearing of GYL short stress line vertical roll mill, tooth system of gleason spiral bevel gears in gearlng, materlal of medium hard tooth surface gear and hard tooth surface gear as well as hot treatment and manufacture method, etc.
本文简要分析了 GYL 型短应力线立辊轧机主传动齿轮机构的结构形式,齿轮机构中的曲线齿锥齿轮的齿制。

2. Dr. Freeland and colleagues compared the results obtained on examining the removed prostate tissue with the results obtained from biopsies performed before the operation and found discrepancies.

3. In this dissertation, first, based on theory of cutting tooth about the gleason spiral bevel gear, the equation of meshing in the process of cutting tooth, the surface equation of generating gear as well as the general tooth surface equation of the double circular arc spiral bevel gear, using GB12759-1991 type of double circular arc gear as a basic gear profile, a three-dimension solid model of double circular arc spiral bevel gear which has the good adaptability was carried out by used of Unigraphics software; Second, by researching of the algorithm about contact and collision as well as various contact types based upon Contacting Finite Element Method, a foundation was laid for selecting the contact type in analyzing contact stress of double circular arc spiral bevel gearing; Finally, through the connection port of PARASOLID between UG software and ANSYS/LS-DYNA software, the three-dimension solid model of double circular arc spiral bevel gearing obtained above in UG was imported into ANSYS/LS-DYNA, a finite element analyzing about contact stress of double circular arc spiral bevel gearing was carried out by applying new loading method.

4. In this dissertation, first, based on theory of cutting tooth about the gleason spiral bevel gear and the characteristic of tooth profile, using the theory of differential geometry and W-N gearing, a cutting tooth meshing analysis about double circular arc spiral bevel gear was carried out, the equation of meshing in the process of cutting tooth, the surface equation of generating gear as well as the general tooth surface equation of double circular arc spiral bevel gear were obtained.

5. Gleason在线翻译

5. It`s Cyclo-Palloid system, Two-Part Cutter head and High Power Gears, has certain technology particular than Gleason spiral bevel gear.

6. Gleason

6. The company has imported and domestic equipment more than 120 Taiwan, which focused on the introduction of gear with leading figures of the industry realized leap-forward development of the world\'s leading U. S. Gleason Phoenix Ⅱ NC 275 G Gear, 275 HC Cutting Machine series of advanced equipment.

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. The Optimized Design and Reshaping of Profile of Skiving Cutter with Plane Flank for Gleason Gear

8. Gleason的意思

8. Because the profile of skiving cutter with plane flank for Gleason gear is a straight line with an angleλ, the tolerance of the designed profile and the tolerance of the reshaped profile are great.

9. Prostates of all patients were embedded and sectioned at 5-mm intervals. The same pathologist examined the prostatic tissues from radical cystoprostatectomy specimens. Finally, a structured literature review was performed using MEDLINE and PUBMED to estimate the occurrence of incidental Pca in Asia.

10. In 2000, an article by Treiman, Gleason and Bogard [155] gave a survey of all the arguments used to conclude the SNC meteorites (of which 14 had been found at the time) were from Mars.

11. In summary, TRPC6 is detected in benign and malignant human prostate tissues and prostate cancer cell lines and is associated with the histological grade, Gleason score and extraprostatic extension of prostate cancer.

12. The Study of Relationships between DNA Ploidy in Prostate Cancer Needle Biopsy and Gleason Score, Clinical Stage

13. Research on Curvature of Tooth Flank of Gleason Spiral Bevel Gears

14. Because the profile of skiving cutter with plane flank for Gleason gear is a straight line with an angle λ, the tolerance of the designed profile and the tolerance of the reshaped profile are great.

15. Correlative study on ADC-value and Gleason score, clinical stage, and PSA in prostatic cancer

16. Gleason spiral bevel gear cutter

17. Gleason的意思

17. This article introduces the development of Gleason spiral bevel gear grinding technology and its CNC spiral bevel gear-grinding machine.

18. The paper presents the leading characteristic of CNC Hypoid Gear Grinding Machine PHOENIX ⅱ of Gleason, and describes the modelling and kinematical analysis of axis B, which sets a theoretical foundation for the design of this kind of machines.

19. It is the important component part of automobile and engineering machine transmission system that Gleason helical bevel gear including spiral bevel gear and hypoid gear, its operating characteristic has the most important influence for entire transmission system.


20. A method for designing CNC index table using common memory of CNC and PLC is introduced in this paper. It is successfully applied in the retrofit of GLEASON 609 hypoid gear finisher.

Gleason 单语例句911查询·英语单词大全

1. \" The protests were by no means peaceful, \" Gleason said.

2. On the blaze\'s northwestern front, two firefighters were killed Sunday on Mount Gleason near the city of Acton.

3. Gleason has worked in Tibet for three years and prided himself in being close to Tibetan culture.

4. Gleason in the Angeles National Forest on Sunday afternoon when the vehicle crashed.

5. The awards show was held at the Jackie Gleason Theatre in Miami Beach.

6. She also thanked her trainers at Gleason\'s Gym in Brooklyn, which she\'s made famous through the film.

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本文链接: http://gleason.immuno-online.com/view-707006.html

发布于 : 2021-03-24 阅读(0)
QQ :1570468124